We offer a wide range of dolphin merchandise suitable for children and adults alike!
Find birthday presents, souvenirs, postcards and much more from our Dolphin Shop.
Buy it on our trip or in our office.

Unit price is HK$98. Two for HK$180 (@$90). For three copies, you only have to pay HK$240 (@80). 

Photo ($10 each) 

Big dolphin (30cm) ($80).  |

Squeaky the Dolphin ($40)

Stuffed toy single dolphin ($10) |

Mom and babe soft toy ($20)

Stone choker,assorted colours available (Small: $30; Large:$40) |

Earrings ($60)

Unbleached canvas shopping bag ($50) 

Black Tee ($100)

Cap ($40)

Postcard ($2 each)
[4 versions]